¯ Glory-glory Tottenham Hotspur, Glory-glory Tottenham Hotspur ……and the Spurs go marching on….
¯ Tottenham are the greatest team the world has ever seen, Tottenham are the greatest team the world has ever seen….and the Spurs go marching on….
Yel-yel Tottenham Hotspur (Spurs) menyambut dengan gegap gempita para pengunjung yang datang di AIA Spurs Fever pada tanggal 3 – 5 Oktober 2014 di Gandaria City.
The Tottenham Hotspur’s (Spurs) chants excitedly welcomed the AIA Spurs Fever’s visitors in Gandaria City, on 3 – 5 October 2014.
AIA Spurs Fever dibuka dengan penandatanganan Spurs Giant Jersey oleh Lim Chet Ming (Chief Marketing Officer – AIA) dan Flaming Iskandar (Presiden IndoSpurs). IndoSpurs merupakan perkumpulan basis penggemar Spurs di Indonesia yang memiliki lebih dari 1.000 anggota.
AIA Spurs Fever was opened with the signing ofthe Spurs Giant Jersey by Lim Chet Ming (Chief Marketing Officer - AIA) and Flaming Iskandar(President IndoSpurs). IndoSpurs is the Spurs fan base in Indonesia, with more than 1,000 members.
AIA Spurs Fever diharapkan akan lebih mendekatkan masyarakat terhadap AIA dan Spurs serta menghasilkan leads untuk bisnis AIA di Indonesia.
AIA Spurs Fever aims to enhance the community’s bonding towards AIA and Spurs, as well asgenerate leads for our business.
Di AIA Spurs Fever, para pengunjung secara antusias menandatangani Spurs Giant Jersey berukuran 4x4,5 meter dan menikmati serunya berfoto di replika changing room dan hot seatStadion White Hart London. Sabtu malam kemeriahan AIA Spurs Fever semakin hangat melalui penampilan bintang tamu RAN.
At AIA Spurs Fever, visitors enthusiastically signed the 4x4.5 meter Spurs Giant Jersey and enjoyed the fun of taking photos at the changing room and hot seat replicas of the White Hart Lane Stadium in London. On Saturday night, the AIA Spurs Fever was even livelier with the performance of the guest star; RAN
AIA Spurs Fever mendapatkan atensi positif beragam media terdepan di Indonesia melalui pemberitaan mereka:
AIA Spurs Fever received positive attention from various leading media in Indonesia through the following news publications:
- Investor Daily
- Kontan
- Media Indonesia
- Jawa Pos
- The Jakarta Post
- Suara Pembaruan
- Seputar Indonesia
- Bisnis Indonesia
- Waspada.com
- Tribunnews.com
- Beritasatu.com
- Viva.co.id
Spurs Giant Jersey yang telah ditandatangani tersebut akan diserahkan ke Tottenham Hotspur untuk dipajang di Stadion White Hart Lane, London, bersama dengan dua replika jersey lain. Kedua replika jersey tersebut telah ditandatangani oleh 26.480 pendukung selama tur di sepuluh kota di lima pasar AIA yaitu Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Malaysia, dan Singapura.
The signed Spurs Giant Jersey will be presented toTottenham Hotspur to display at White Hart LaneStadium-London, along with two other jerseyreplicas. Both replicas have been signed by 26,480supporters during a tour in ten cities in five of AIA’smarkets; Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Malaysia,and Singapore.
¯ Come on you Spurs, Come on you Spurs….
¯ We are Tottenham, we are Tottenham Super Tottenham, from the Lane We are Tottenham, Super Tottenham, We are Tottenham, from the Lane, We are Tottenham, Super Tottenham from the Lane, We are Tottenham, We are Tottenham from the Lane...